Ben Vautier
After leaving his job, Ben Vautier ran Laboratory 32 (Le Magasin), from 1958-1973, creating an environment for people that could be a melting pot of new ideas. It was during this period that Vautier met Yves Klein, John Cage, and George Macunias and became embroiled in the early stages of the Fluxus art movement. Vautier’s mantra was:
“art must be new and bring a shock”.
– Ben Vautier
Vautier’s Fluxus works centred upon art as fusing life, objects and philosophy:
“What is culture? Culture is a fairytale that we have created. It can be manipulative,” and “The purpose of culture is to amuse poor people and rich people alike”
– Ben Vautier
Vautier is best known for his text-based paintings, such as L’art est inutile. Rentrez chez vous (Art is Useless. Go Home) (1971):

Vautier’s works are close to New Realism, the Lettrism movement and Figuration Libre.
Written interview with Vautier: